Belbosco Truffles Joining the World Pasta Competition at World Food Championships


Belbosco Truffles Joining the World Pasta Competition at World Food Championships

Belbosco Truffles, a Dallas/Fort Worth area company with a worldwide network of truffle hunters, was born from love. And three years later owner Daniel Wissman, has a bustling business with the rare and savory tastes that he has drawn from around the world. In November these fresh delicacies will become an ingredient for the World Pasta Competition Top 10 winners challenge of the World Food Championships.

“Our relationship with Belbosco Truffles brings a new level of innovation and competition for the Pasta category,” said Mike McCloud, CEO of World Food Championships.

“The ten Pasta Champions who have scored the highest in the opening rounds of the World Food Championships will have the opportunity now to craft recipes with a rare and wonderful ingredient as they develop the recipes for this round of competition,” he said.

Wissman is dedicated to finding and providing the freshest truffles from around the world. After living in Italy and traveling throughout France, Wissman developed a network of tartufai, truffle hunters, who seek out and harvest the fresh – never frozen – supply of truffles after an order is made.

“We NEVER freeze our truffles,” said Wissman. “They arrive freshly harvested to our clients.”

Wissman noted that Belbosco Truffles are selected and inspected, one by one, for quality and freshness in the country of origin and immediately shipped to customers.

“We know that truffles can be added to many recipes,” he said. “Pasta is one of the most widely used types of recipes that incorporate truffles and we are excited to see what the Food Champs will invent for these wonderful delicacies.”

Truffles are a type of fungi or mushroom which grows entirely underground.  It is part of the larger taxonomical genus of “tubers”.  Truffles rely upon animals which eat them to reproduce.  These animals ingest the flesh of the truffle and distribute the truffle spores.  Truffles have a unique, symbiotic, relationship with the roots of their “host” trees, such as the oak and hazelnut tree.  The truffle and its host tree create a nutrient exchange with one another which allows both to grow.  The truffle takes necessary sugars from the roots of its nearby host tree—sugars which it cannot obtain by itself because it does not undergo photosynthesis.  Likewise, the host tree obtains necessary nutrients from the soil through the truffle.

Rich in proteins and potassium, calcium and magnesium truffles are considered a healthy food. Since they grow underground, specially trained dogs are used to find the secret spots where they grow and thrive.

About Belbosco Truffles

Belbosco Truffles is a Dallas/Fort Worth area business specializing in providing clients in the Texas market and beyond with the best quality, freshest truffles at the most competitive prices. With a network of tartufai, truffle hunters, around the world, Belbosco begins the hunt for the elusive truffle as each order is made and individually inspects the truffles before they are sent to customers.

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