First Wave of 2015 Judges Confirmed


First Wave of 2015 Judges Confirmed

The World Food Championships today announced that the first round of judges for the 2015 Championships, set for Nov. 3-10 in Kissimmee, Fla., will be confirmed on Tuesday, June 30.

“We are pleased to be in a position to let people know that their applications for becoming WFC judges have been accepted and that they have been matched to competition dates and times,” McCloud said.

McCloud noted that judge announcements for 2015 are being made a full month earlier than in years past.

“We set a goal in communications this year to be more timely in all of our announcements, especially as it pertains to our key constituents like volunteers, judges and teams," McCloud said. "I'm proud to say that our Comm Team is more active than ever and making that goal a reality. By doing so, this enables everyone to make plans and travel arrangements sooner, so that they can enjoy not only our championship, but all the great attractions in Kissimmee and Central Florida if they so choose."

A second wave of judge confirmations is expected by August 1. So if you do not receive a confirmation on June 30, there's a chance you can still be selected. If you any questions about your position or status, please email us at We will answer all inquiries after the July 4th weekend.

For information about our official host hotel for judges and competitors, follow this link

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